4-Mile River Floats
Our 4-mile floats start at Mountain Fork Park and ends at our ramp here at Tippa Canoe. Expect your trip down the river to take 2-3 hours. Whether you want to go it alone or with a group, we offer plenty of options.
You can book your trip in person or online. On the day of your booking, you will take a shuttle from the Tippa Canoe office to the Mountain Fork Park. After launching your canoe or kayak you will float the river and end up back at our parking lot.
Watertight boxes for protecting your belongings are available for purchase on site.
Kayakers must be at least 6 years old and 42" tall.
Make sure to check our partner site at www.mountainforkpark.net as well!
We accept walk-in bookings!
Walk-in bookings are accepted based on availability and not guaranteed.
Shuttles will leave every hour on the hour.
Please arrive at least 15 minutes prior to your scheduled time.
All bookings are subject to change based on the water release schedule and weather.
Rules & Regulations
In order to keep your canoe trip enjoyable, safe, and in compliance with local regulations, you must abide by the following:
No glass or Styrofoam products are allowed on Mountain Fork River.
No ice chests over 36 quarts in the canoes.
Minimum age is 6 years old and 42" tall with an accompanying adult.
You must arrive at the end point/ boat ramp at the agreed upon time or late fees will be accrued.
Lost or damaged paddles and/or life preservers will be charged to card holder.
Water Release Schedule
The re-regulation dam on Broken Bow Lake controls the flow of water for Mountain Fork River.
Water release schedules are subject to change in order to accommodate precipitation changes, lake levels, and hydropower provided by Mountain Fork River.
Please use caution when floating and fishing Mountain Fork River.
Bookings are subject to change based on the river conditions recorded on these websites.

To check current release levels, please visit:
To check the release schedule, please visit:
For more information, please visit: